Ordinances Ordinance 11-02-24 Adoption of New Town Code Ordinance 11-01-24 Approval of Lease - 4185 Indian Head Highway (Black Box Theatre) Ordinance 08-01-24 Town Holiday - Indigenous Peoples' Day Ordinance 07-01-24 Waiver of Commercial Permit Fees Ordinance 05-01-24 FY25 Financial Plan & Budget Ordinance 04-02-24 Comcast Franchise Agreement Ordinance 04-01-24 Imposition of Hotel Tax 12-01-23 - Adopting Zoning Ordinance Revisions Ordinance 11-01-23 Stormwater Management 09-02-23 Waiver of Commercial Permit Fees 09-01-23 FY24 Financial Plan Budget Ordinance Corrective Amendment 04-01-23 FY24 Financial Plan & Budget 10-01-22 Ethics Ordinance Amendments 09-01-22 Approving Ground Lease (Oasis Grocery Parking Lot) 07-02-22 Zoning Ordinance - BZA Change 07-01-22 Zoning Ordinance - Critical Area Regulations Amendment 04-02-22 FY23 Financial Plan & Budget 04-01-22 Amendment of Town Personnel Ordinance 02-01-22 FY22 Budget Amendment - Grocery Store Development 01-01-22 Waiver of Commercial Permit Fees 10-02-21 Board of Supervisors of Elections 08-02-21 Comprehensive Plan 08-01-21 Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map 07-01-21 Town Holiday - Juneteenth 05-01-21 FY22 Financial Plan & Budget Emergency Ordinance 04-12-21 Authorization of Community Bank Line of Credit 04-11-21 Adopting revised Critical Area Map 04-10-21 National Electrical Code 04-09-21 International Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings 2018 04-08-21 International Property Maintenance Code 2018 04-07-21 International Plumbing Code 2018 04-06-21 International Mechanical Code 2018 04-05-21 International Fuel Gas Code 2018 04-04-21 International Energy Conservation Code 2018 04-03-21 International Existing Building Code 2018 04-02-21 International Building Code 2018 04-01-21 Indigenous Peoples' Affairs Commission 05-02-20 Emergency Ordinance for loan authorization for Henderson Property acquisition 05-01-20 FY21 Financial Plan & Budget 01-01-20 Acquisition of Henderson Revocable Living Trust Property 05-01-19 Utility Bill Payment Deferral for Furloughed Federal Government Employees 04-01-19 FY20 Financial Plan & Budget 11-01-18 Acquisition of PNC Bank Property 10-02-18 Ethics Ordinance Revisions 10-01-18 Revision of Rental License Fees 04-02-18 FY19 Financial Plan & Budget 04-01-18 MD Healthy Working Families Act Amendment to Personnel Ordinance 03-01-18 Town of Indian Head Infrastructure Bonds 2018 Series A 01-01-18 Amendment of FY17 Budget 06-01-17 Environmentally Sustainable Procurement 04-01-17 FY18 Financial Plan & Budget 07-01-16 FY16 Budget Amendment - EPA Fine Payment 04-01-16 FY17 Financial Plan & Budget 03-02-16 Bereavement Leave 03-01-16 Committee Junior Members 11-01-15 Remote Participation 10-01-15 Town Environmental Sustainability Committee 09-03-15 FY16 Budget Amendment - Town Playground 09-02-15 FY16 Budget Amendment - Telephone System 09-01-15 Economic Development Incentive - Waiver of Permit Fees 08-02-15 Town Officials Travel Policy 08-01-15 Town Parks & Recreation Commission 05-01-15 Adoption of Town Financial Plan & Budget for FY16 Text Amendment to Ordinance Number 04-01-13 11-01-14 Abolition of Economic Development Commission 06-01-14 Removal and Disposal of Animal Waste 05-01-14 FY15 Financial Plan and Budget 03-01-14 Utilities Charges Late Payment Charge 05-01-13 FY14 Financial Plan and Budget 04-01-13 Floodplain 04-01-13 Amended Floodplain Ordinance 05-02-12 Forest Conservation 05-01-12 Property Tax Credits - Business Improvement Incentive Tax Credit 04-01-12 FY13 Budget